Faktabari Forum 2023 – Lessons from the parliamentary elections

Lessons from the parliamentary elections - Digital education, digital information and election literacy and fact-checking in Finland 2024 elections Wed 5.4. from 15-17 Päivälehti Museum, Ludviginkatu 2–4, Helsinki

Faktabari Forum 2023 – Lessons from the parliamentary elections

Lessons from the parliamentary elections and government program: Digital education, digital information and election literacy and fact-checking in Finland. What about in the future: What should we prepare for in terms of the presidential elections in January 2024 and the EP elections in June now? More backgrounds after the program.




14.30- Coffee service

15.00 Welcome, Mikko Salo, Executive Director of Faktabari 

As a key question: What should we prepare for in terms of the January 2024 presidential elections and the June EP elections now? Regarding this discussion session: How can Finland sustainably join the most important fact-checking network (EFCSN)? How to develop our secret weapon media education for the needs of the democracy of the digital age?

15.10 NORDIS keynote: Nordic fact-checkers & European EFCSN quality code, Thomas Hedin*, Chief Editor, TjekDet ; elected Nordic Board Member to EFCSN  

15.30 Panel: Fact-checking in Finland during and after the parliamentary elections

Johanna Vehkoo, creator of The Lie Detector and working life professor of Journalism, University of Tampere (incl. student project ) 

Pipsa Havula, Faktabari , responsible editor (NORDIS)

Petra Piitulainen- Ramsay, fact checker and trainer, Faktabari

Carl-Gustaf Linden, Professor, University of Bergen & Docent, University of Helsinki, WP leader, NORDIS

Moderator: Mikko Salo, founder of Faktabar & WP leader NORDIS

16.00 Faktabar’s TikTok #FactHacker pilot experiences , Otto Heinonen

16.15 Digital education as a civic skill from early childhood education to old age – advice for the new government

Report on the digital information literacy round table discussion, Janne Matikainen, University of Helsinki 

Promoting digital education in Finland, Tiina Härkönen,  Democracy and participation , Sitra 

16.45 Faktabari digestifs and Hackathon, Mikko Salo

Digital election literacy, Hackathon + Collected links + Transparency – Introduction of the Open Society board and Faktabari employees

Democracy drinks to follow !


The international fact-checking day forum celebrated by Faktabar since 2016 would be timed to the actual voting day of our 2023 parliamentary elections. This time, we are gathering our information-hungry stakeholders to evaluate with us the newly learned lessons of the parliamentary elections on Wednesday, April 5. in terms of digital education, digital information and election literacy, and of course fact-checking itself. As a key question: What should we prepare for in terms of the January 2024 presidential elections and the June EP elections now?

Our international guest speaker this time is Thomas Hedin, the Danish representative of our Nordic NORDIS network. He will talk about the current European quality code for fact checkers . As the editor-in-chief of the TjekDet fact-checking service, Thomas also offers a Danish alternative to the Finnish fact-checking model, which is still under development, alongside the Norwegian model we introduced earlier . After the opening in English, we will focus on the evaluation of the fact-checking of the parliamentary elections in Finnish, and in Finland, in the Nordic NORDIS reference group, the operation of Faktabari and the recent initiative of Yleisradiofrom the bottom. At the same time, Faktabari reports on its own parliamentary elections on its observations with stakeholders and on its pilot on the popular but controversial TikTok platform. 

The second part of the event is devoted to digital education,  digital information literacy development activities and a report prepared with stakeholders within the framework of the Strategic Research Council’s DECA project, with a view to government negotiations. Finally, we summarize the steps to support citizens’ digital election literacy for the 2024 elections in our constantly changing information environment.

Come, see and learn – and above all, stop, consider and check – to borrow the main message of the Faktabari #FactHacker DIL video series we launched for media education events at the beginning of the year .


Thomas has been a driving force in the creation and development of TjekDet , since it was established in 2016. He was initially a senior editor, but in 2020 took over as editor-in-chief and CEO. He holds both great insight into the nature of misinformation and disinformation, and has extensive experience running a fact-checking organization. Thomas has strong journalistic skills and has held journalistic positions in major Danish media. He has been prime mover on several projects focusing on combating misinformation and disinformation – both in the context of education and research.

MORE INFORMATION Faktabari Forum (Mikko Salo)

About us

Check First is a leading Finnish software and methodologies company, spearheading adversarial research techniques. We believe that everyone should be able to understand how and why content is presented to them. We advocate for online clarity and accountability, building solutions to attain this goal. Partnering with leading institutions, regulators, NGOs and educators, we aim at curbing the spread of disinformation and foreign influence manipulations.

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