Protecting the 2024 Elections: From Alarm to Action

The event explores how the Digital Services Act (DSA) can protect democracy by addressing the spread of disinformation and hate speech online. The discussion will focus on electoral integrity, engagement-based ranking, and alternatives for content ranking on social media. MEPs Katalin Cseh and Paul Tang will co-chair the event, livestreamed on YouTube, aiming to contribute […]

Protecting the 2024 Elections: From Alarm to Action

The event explores how the Digital Services Act (DSA) can protect democracy by addressing the spread of disinformation and hate speech online.

The discussion will focus on electoral integrity, engagement-based ranking, and alternatives for content ranking on social media. MEPs Katalin Cseh and Paul Tang will co-chair the event, livestreamed on YouTube, aiming to contribute to a safer online environment for elections through effective DSA implementation.

More information here.

About us

Check First is a leading Finnish software and methodologies company, spearheading adversarial research techniques. We believe that everyone should be able to understand how and why content is presented to them. We advocate for online clarity and accountability, building solutions to attain this goal. Partnering with leading institutions, regulators, NGOs and educators, we aim at curbing the spread of disinformation and foreign influence manipulations.

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