Journalistes Solidaires

Journalistes Solidaires (JS) is a collaborative, fact-checking initiative, bringing together journalists, experts and citizens.

Journalistes Solidaires

Journalistes Solidaires is the starting point of Check First. The three founders met during the early stages of this initiative, and participated in its organisation and structuration.

Journalistes Solidaires collects dubious and/or misleading information thanks to reports from Internet users (social media and website) and via their data collection. After sorting the claims, depending on the virality of a post and the feasibility of the investigation, journalists are assigned to topics and lead fact-checking investigations. Once the claim is fact-checked, the journalists produce the results of their verifications in different formats corresponding to the different distribution channels that JS has built: publications on the website, video capsules or publications on social networks. After validation by the proofreading team and the editor-in-chief, the investigation is published on the website and social networks.

The editorial team also operated as an Open Newsroom, offering civil society the possibility to view the progress of the investigation and to participate in it.

About us

Check First is a leading Finnish software and methodologies company, spearheading adversarial research techniques. We believe that everyone should be able to understand how and why content is presented to them. We advocate for online clarity and accountability, building solutions to attain this goal. Partnering with leading institutions, regulators, NGOs and educators, we aim at curbing the spread of disinformation and foreign influence manipulations.

Our story